What do others say about the schools you represent?

Countless parents have sent in comments about how they have been happy with the programs that I have selected to represent. Here are a select few to view, if you wish to see more please let me know and I can show you several others.

This program saved our son and also our family.  By the time he was 16 he had been on several different medications and through several different counselors. He even went through a wilderness program at 14 years old.  We called in a last effort to save our son, who was becoming more impulsive, angry, and violent. He went on his own free will because he knew he needed more help then anyone yet had given him.  The peace and the smiles we see on his face now are worth every cent that we have spent.  I have seen this program change families and individual lives for the better.
Linda C.

You don't sleep or eat well and your heart leaps each time the phone or doorbell rings. You wonder, “is it the police again, the principal, the teachers, another furious parent yelling at you to keep your child away from their child?” We lived this hell for three years. We tried counseling, which was great for us as parents, but all the counseling in the world will never change someone's heart that doesn't want to change. We were desperate.  I never thought I could say this, but I would go through all three years of hell again if I knew it would turn out as sweet as it has with our Jacob. We are so proud of him. Anyone meeting him today is immediately impressed with the depth of his character and the lightness in his spirit. We are eternally thankful for this program and the wonderful compassionate people who have poured themselves out for our son.
Elyse R.

So what will it cost to talk to me? What's the catch?

Well, it will cost you nothing.  I offer phone consultation for free.  You may ask yourself why I do this?  The answer is simple, I enjoy helping children and parents work out their problems and seeing families like yours become a true happy family unit.  You may still ask yourself how I can do this financially.  It is true, I am not a billionaire and must support my family as you probably do by working, luckily I can do something I love and support my family at the same time. I do represent many boarding schools which are similar yet unique.  I do receive a nominal fee for those who end up choosing one of the schools I suggest to them, however I receive the same amount for every school and my decisions are not based on which school will pay me more; the only difference to me is which one can help your child the most.  Also, rest assured I am a real person, although I am very busy every day speaking to parents like you who need help you can call me directly if you wish at 1 (800) 429-5090, however due to my limited time and complex schedule I prefer that you send me your information and I will contact you as soon as I can.

Our daughter was running away, using drugs, skipping school, and was just out-of-control. After exhausting all of our local resources, we fortunately found this program for our daughter. There is no doubt in our minds that it saved her life and assisted her in areas where other programs had failed… Today, our daughter is a powerful, happy, healthy young woman who is a joy and a delight to be with. She has been clean and sober for more than three years, works two jobs, has graduated from high school and looks forward to her future… We are very proud, honored and privileged to recommend this program.
Christy V.

How are the schools you represent top quality?

Check your options out, what do you have to lose?

What do you have to lose?  You have everything to lose and everything to gain by filling out a simple form that will only take a few minutes.  Your child’s future is on the line, and if things have only been getting worse & worse the sooner you seek help the better off you will be.  At a minimum you will know what your options are and if a treatment program is the next step for your child or not. Contact me today for a free personal consultation, if I can't help you maybe I can send you to someone who can.

I want to find out what options are available to me to help my child -->

P.S. if you want to find out more about the schools I represent, an FAQ list, warranty information, or read testimonials from parents or testimonials from actual students feel free to browse around my website.

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